Hi there everybody, I'm
Matías "Peter Pepper" Bianco, an Argentinian video game collector and the
webmaster of the unique site in my country and in all South America dedicated to
classic video games and collecting (Arqueología Digital,
and now I'm the staff writer of this DP column which speaks about the
collecting in South America and all the obscure stuff that you can find here.
Well, no more intro and...let's start!
The Atari 2600 clones in
Let's start with
one of the most desired machines in my country, the famous and always nostalgic
Atari 2600. In the 80's the machine came to Argentina and a lot of people
bought them, but, this country always had and have economic p roblems,
so a group of companies, most specifically named "EDU
Juegos" and "Dynacom"
appeared as the "saviours" of the people who couldn't bought the
original machine, so a lot of clone machines where launched at the market, for
example, the "EDU
Juegos 2600", which
contains the machine with two stick joysticks, a manual, an AC adaptor and a
cart with 4 games. The machine is a Pal-N system. This is the basic models,
there are another ones, but the structure is always the same. Also there are
special carts from EDU juegos for this machines, with one or more games in each
cart. There are also other companies that c reates
this kinds of carts, like Dynacom,
The other machine with a lot of models is from Dynacom, another
Argentinian and
brazilian company, the carts where the same as the EDU juegos and the other
companies. After the apogee of this two machines, appeared other companies like
Froggy 2600 with some games built in the machine which also accept the original
2600 carts. The TV Game from "King
Karol" is other
example of this machines, which cointains 64 games built in the system, some of
them are the same hacked or modified in some aspects. I played some of this
machines and the EDU Juegos is th e
best of all. A curiosity is that this machine also accepts strange obscure
clones, for example, i bought a Pac-Kong cart pirate (which i didn't know that
was pirate) and this cart works in the EDU, so, if you bought a pirate cart, try
it in this machine and you can play it easily!. In Argentina this kind of
machines and carts are obviously easy to try, but other curiosity is that
sometimes they are more expensive than the original ones, why?, because most
people try them not for collecting and they sell this carts to another countries
like Brazil, USA, England, and other european places all around the world and
this is because in this countries this carts are like treasures for most people,
the same as the brazilian clones, like
etc. I don't usually bought this carts or machines unless I found it for a very
good price, for example, i bought my EDU Ju egos
2600 complete for only $ 5 (around $ 3 dollars). The brazilian carts are like
the Argentinian ones, and my favorite of this carts are ones that you can change
the game with a little switch in the cart (this happens usually with some
models or some rare Argentinian carts). After this, a lot of strange and rare
companies create this clone carts, for example, a friend of mine discover a
homebrew of a video game house of Buenos Aires called "CQ".
Other companies are "Argevision",
"Cony 2600"
(which also have a machine), "Linky
games", "Ningame",
and "Yocarant".
Some of this carts are rare also in Argentina. Well, that's all for the moment,
i expect that this article was interesting for everybody and if you have a cart
and you don't know what the hell means or you couldn't identify, only e-mail
me. Best regards for everybody and keep in reading for the next month article!.
I'll show you now other pics of Argentinian 2600 carts.
Bye bye.
