TOTAL RECALL ------------ TOTAL RECALL ------------ SCENARIO -------- Quaid, after a terrifying visit to 'Rekall' and an unsuccessful 'memory implant' discovers that his life is a lie. His past is fiction and his true identity is shrouded in mystery. A mystery whose solution lies on the Red Planet of Mars. LOADING ------- Press the SHIFT key and the RUN/STOP key simultaneously. PLEASE NOTE: This game loads in a number of parts - follow on-screen instructions. CONTROLS -------- This is a one player game controlled by joystick only in Port 2 JUMP /\ /||\ JUMP LEFT ___ || ___ JUMP RIGHT |\ || /| | \\ || // | \\ || // \\ || // \\ || // / \\||// \ /--------------- ---------------\ RUN LEFT \--------------- ---------------/ RUN RIGHT \ //||\\ / // || \\ // || \\ // || \\ | // || \\ | |/ || \| CROUCH LEFT ¬¬¬ || ¬¬¬ CROUCH RIGHT \||/ \/ CROUCH CROUCH + FIRE - Smash crate/Collect item F1 (on title screen) - Toggle between music and sound FX F1 (during game) - Pause RUN/STOP - Quit (if paused) CAR CHASE SECTION ----------------- Push the joystick in the appropriate direction to steer the car. At junctions press FIRE and push joystick in required direction to turn corners. Various items may be collected by driving over them. GAMEPLAY -------- LEVEL ONE Quaid must get from his hotel to a phone box on the far side of the city with a briefcase full of useful items for his trip to Mars. Quaid must use his initiative to acquire weapons to aid him and wxygen for his time on Mars. These are hidden in crates despersed along the route. If he is injured during this time he will drop the briefcase. This will have to be retrieved. LEVEL TWO Having received his instructions Quaid commandeers a 'Johnny Cab'. Evade Richter and his mobile police who are in deadly pursuit. LEVEL THREE Melina and Quaid meet Benny, a taxi driver who helps them escape from the pursuing forces. They must negotiate a dangerous route through the cavrns of mars until they discover the way to the Rebel hideout. LEVEL FOUR Their taxi discarded, Quaid must proceed on foot back through the caverns to meet Kuato the rebel leader. Along the route he can acquire hidden weapons to help his objective and find keys to open the doors of the alien reactor that is the heart of Quaid's dilemma. Finding Kuato, Quaid will be given the secret location of the core room within the heart of the reactor. Within, you will find the villain behind your strife, Cohaaggen. Here in the core room, he has planted a bomb which will destroy the reactor and Mars' only chance of salvation. Time will be deducted for shooting innocent civilians. Bonus points are awarded for time remaining on a level. A bonus continue will be awarded at 50,000 points. © 1990 Carolco Pictures Inc. © 1990 Ocean Software Limited. The Hit Squad, P.O. Box 350, Manchester. M60 2LX