

· HIDDEN MESSAGE: On the LEFT controller, press and hold 0+either upper side button +disc position 7, and then press RESET.  You’ll then see a title screen with “D.E.I.” under the name (picture #1), followed by the infamous crowd cheering sound.  Note- this only works on the fast (later) tank version.  {Carl Mueller}

· HIDDEN MESSAGE: On the LEFT controller hold 3, on the RIGHT hold 9, and then press RESET.  The title will change to “D.E.I.”, followed by the infamous crowd cheering sound. Also, the copyright will say 1984 (picture #2).  Note- this only works on the slow (original) tank version.  {from Chris Hawley’s “Copyright Kludge” file}

· The initials DEI that show up in all the different APh games stand for "Dabney Eats It".  More info on this can be found at:  {Joseph Zbiciak}

· 2 versions exist!  The later release has a faster rotational speed on the tanks.  {Carl Mueller}

· BUG: Drive a tank to the bottom of the screen, and then inactivate it.  Then take another tank (yours or enemies) and shoot it once or twice to make it move down.  Then re-activate the tank, turn it so it points straight down, and drive forward for a minute or two.  The tank will appear from the top of the screen and the tank will gain some "ghost tank" powers.  {Steve Craft}


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