Rock, Digital Press, Scissors
by Joe Santulli

I wasn't sure this day would ever come.

After the loss of my best friend and Digital Press co-founder Kevin Oleniacz to a heart attack in mid-November, I was pretty sure Digital Press would only be what you see here - an electronic "shell" of what I considered to be my life project. Those of you who knew us well and shared five years of pure gaming bliss and thirty one issues chronicling it all may also have known that Kevin and I were gaming buddies since elementary school - ever since there WERE electronic games. That partnership seemed impossible to carry on alone.

What I foolishly overlooked in thinking this was that Digital Press has become more of a family than a two-man show. What started as two guys looking to share their gaming glory grew into an army of voracious video soldiers with plenty of ammo to bring to the war. On this incredible journey I've met writers, designers, collectors, xenophobes, infidels, dealers, stealers, hermits, traders, artists, and gentlemen. In most cases a combination of these things, but at the heart of each always the same - video gamer. That heart is what Digital Press is all about. It took a little kick in the ass to make me see that. Thanks to the cards, letters, and Email from readers everywhere, I'm proud to announce we're coming back to paper.

Long after the internet rush and the countless fanzine conversions to "web only", I was still saying that I'd rather read about fun stuff on paper - over dinner or during a commercial - than dig for it over the internet. Fun stuff gets lost here. No matter how many people know about you or how to get to you, there's still something "missing". I tried somewhat half-heartedly I'll admit, to make Digital Press an interesting place to stop while surfing the web. But the spirit of it is lost among countless prettier sites, and "pretty" completely misses the point here. I'd go so far as to say we're more about not being pretty. So the internet never really felt like home.

We're not leaving, but I guarantee you'll see more of what we're all about in those wonderfully tasty thin strips of wood bound by a really nasty piece of metal hidden underneath a worn-through postage stamp. Nothing but black and white between uneven margins on cheaply produced and incredibly creased parchment. Ah, splendour!

Look for us in June. I'm looking forward to gaming with all of you once again.

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Last updated Tuesday, February 13, 2007 06:01 PM